What shall I do next?

What shall I do next?
A Glen Abbey Girl

Thursday 22 May 2014

Week 8

I already have Evernote but only the basic not the upgraded ($)' so I downloaded google docs and drive to my iPad screen shot on my blog. I now have to decide which I will use all the time. Finding lots about my iPad doing this course, even taking a screen shot which I didn't,t know before.

Friday 16 May 2014

Week 7
I already use Goodreads and Novelist and find both useful. I do however like Library Thng so intend to use it to develope my own catalogue of sorts. I have added books and reviewed some. I understand that Portico is a sharepoint
system, good luck to them team who are revising it. Only a week to go, pity.


Thursday 8 May 2014

Week 6 - wikis

Added my post to the wiki, it is king county library children's blog for staff and customers.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Week 5 part 2

Part 2 - I now subscribe to under the influence (Marketing not alcohol) with terry O'Reilly CBC great show which I miss when at work. Also going for white coat black art. Have not found a good library pod cast, a couple of library tours but nothing great. Will keep checking.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Week 5

Here is my picture. I don,t use yahoo so didn't,t want yo use flickr. It is annoying having to join another service just to use an app. You can see why small start up tech companies are being bought by bigger companies. Part 2 to follow.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Week 4

Finally worked out how to delete pins now I can keep my Pinterest relevant!

Saturday 19 April 2014

Week 4

https://www.pinterst.Lesson 4

Here is the link to my Pinterest account: http://www.pinterest.com/cook4225 I am going to use it for keeping ideas for displays. I also use an app called Evernote and Evernote food for keeping my sites and food recipes. 

At work I use site jot which is great until it is down and I feel stuck trying to remember all the sites.

I am trying to use tags on opl items but not finding it easy.  Will update tomorrow.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Weeks 3 - funny story

Here is a copy of a tweet I wrote 4 years ago whilst doing my Library Tech course -
https://twitter.com/jcookinfolt402/status/17254955876.   Not come a long way baby.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Week 3 - RSS part two

Hi, finally got feedly app installed and have RSS feeds for sols, economist and wired this is time saving - will copy this to my blog roll on next week.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Week 3 - RSS

I have registered with feed reader and started with globe and mail category of library, bit the SOLS feed didn't copy and I now need an app for the iPad to let me access sols feed.  I have to keep working on this one.

Week 3 - Twitter

I am re instating my old Mohawk twitter account and can now see what some of my old classmates are doing.  Not sure how much I will use this.  I am now getting up in the morning checking email, blogs, twitter and linkedin I think I may be late for work.  Will be finishing my RSS feed later this weekend.  

Week 1 - blogging

I'm up and blogging.  Enjoying following everyone's bogs and comments.
Week 2 Linkedin

Well I finally gave in and joined linked in. It was interesting to look back at all the people I used to work with for up to 25 years in the beer industry. But after seeing what they were all up to I am now ready to leave. I have put up a very brief linked in profile as I don't really want to receive job information. I am struggling to find a way to make linked in a useful marketing tool for libraries. Connecting with our customers and new customers is important; showing the benefits of being part of the library is difficult with linked in. A blog for people who attend our programs I can see. An on going book club blog/twitter I get. I am going to find one way of using one social media which I can quantify as promoting the library! My one goal for this course.