What shall I do next?

What shall I do next?
A Glen Abbey Girl

Sunday 20 April 2014

Week 4

Finally worked out how to delete pins now I can keep my Pinterest relevant!

Saturday 19 April 2014

Week 4

https://www.pinterst.Lesson 4

Here is the link to my Pinterest account: http://www.pinterest.com/cook4225 I am going to use it for keeping ideas for displays. I also use an app called Evernote and Evernote food for keeping my sites and food recipes. 

At work I use site jot which is great until it is down and I feel stuck trying to remember all the sites.

I am trying to use tags on opl items but not finding it easy.  Will update tomorrow.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Weeks 3 - funny story

Here is a copy of a tweet I wrote 4 years ago whilst doing my Library Tech course -
https://twitter.com/jcookinfolt402/status/17254955876.   Not come a long way baby.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Week 3 - RSS part two

Hi, finally got feedly app installed and have RSS feeds for sols, economist and wired this is time saving - will copy this to my blog roll on next week.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Week 3 - RSS

I have registered with feed reader and started with globe and mail category of library, bit the SOLS feed didn't copy and I now need an app for the iPad to let me access sols feed.  I have to keep working on this one.

Week 3 - Twitter

I am re instating my old Mohawk twitter account and can now see what some of my old classmates are doing.  Not sure how much I will use this.  I am now getting up in the morning checking email, blogs, twitter and linkedin I think I may be late for work.  Will be finishing my RSS feed later this weekend.  

Week 1 - blogging

I'm up and blogging.  Enjoying following everyone's bogs and comments.
Week 2 Linkedin

Well I finally gave in and joined linked in. It was interesting to look back at all the people I used to work with for up to 25 years in the beer industry. But after seeing what they were all up to I am now ready to leave. I have put up a very brief linked in profile as I don't really want to receive job information. I am struggling to find a way to make linked in a useful marketing tool for libraries. Connecting with our customers and new customers is important; showing the benefits of being part of the library is difficult with linked in. A blog for people who attend our programs I can see. An on going book club blog/twitter I get. I am going to find one way of using one social media which I can quantify as promoting the library! My one goal for this course.